Do you have a photo you’d like to share that shows nature, a summertime activity, or a community event? Email it to and we’ll post it here on the website. All towns, cities and communities welcome to participate!

Photo below is Angelina at the Homer Township Pet Fest 2024 learning about snakes!

(Crosstown Exotics - traveling reptile & bug show)


Photo below is of an unnamed squirrel resting in the shade on a hot day.

(photo credit: Kim Pady)

143Rd Street Road Widening Project UPDATE 6/19/2024

Per Homer Township: their collaborative effort with the Will County Board in the lawsuit filed against Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant’s “VETO” regarding the 143Rd Street resolution in Homer Glen, Illinois, has been ongoing in the court system. The case has had motions for “Substitution of Judge” and currently has a status date of July 25th, 2024. If 143Rd Street residents are still receiving land acquisition packets from the county, please call the township (708) 301-0522 or go to the Homer Township building at 14350 W. 151st Street Homer Glen to give them a copy of your packet/papers. Do NOT sign ANYTHING.

Happy Father’s Day

To all the father’s out there, and to all the men who have been the exemplar of strength & guidance…Your courage, dedication and love are of immeasurable worth.

Artwork of John Muir is by Jeremy Collins, originally posted by the Sierra Club's now defunct "Lay of the Land" blog April. 20, 2016. The entirety of the drawing can be found here. Artwork of Dr George Washington Carver is from a poster by C. H. Alston, referencing the World War II effort (circa 1943). The entire poster can be found here.

“Tagged Trees”

Please note: We have spoken to The Morton Arboretum regarding the tagged trees along Parker/Chicago Bloomington Trail/Hadley Roads and they suggest…

  1. Leave the tags on the tree.

  2. Do not use any pruning spray or any tree “medicines”.

  3. Confirm with the Village of Homer Glen that it is “ok” to remove the tags, the village should put this in writing.

  4. If you choose to remove the tag, consider leaving the nail in place. It’s best not to inflict any unnecessary maneuvers to the tree. Do not use a hammer to withdraw the nail.

  5. Certain trees are “bleeders” (excessively weeping sap). Do not be alarmed by this, it’s natural.

  6. Consider “blocking out” the tag by using a Sharpie or paint, to diminish the glare from the sun shining on it.

  7. My personal suggestion is to view the tag as a “piercing”. Just like humans get their ears pierced, trees can also get punctured. Trees can naturally “consume” the tag and remain healthy. In fact, The Morton Arboretum suggests leaving the tags ‘as is’ because they can grow around the metal tag/nail. (If you must remove the metal tag, carefully snip it off with a manual metal cutting tool, such as a shear or scissors.)

  8. If you already removed the tag (and/or nail) have no fear. Chances are that everything will be alright. If you are doubtful & have concerns about your trees health, I suggest emailing The Morton Arboretum at: (please be patient with a response, it may take a few days.)

143rd Street Expansion Project Update in Homer Glen & Homer Township, Illinois:

Per Homer Township’s meeting last night, May 13th, 2024, they announced to take over their 2 miles of 143rd Street (after any repairs by the County) as well as to take over the 1.2 miles of the Village of Homer Glen’s portion. The Township urges 143rd Street stakeholders to reach out to the Village to inquire if they will match the Townships efforts by filing a lawsuit as well as filing for a JT (jurisdictional transfer.)

Also - the Township reminds 143rd Streeters to not sign any documents. If you have questions please call the Township since they are the entity that has filed suit. Homer Township Office phone # (708) 301-0522

Click here for the Township’s meeting from May 13th, 2024

(Time stamp 13:13 starts the 143rd Street information. Also, useful tax info at time stamp 11:30)

143rd street stakeholders: This is an email update from Homer Township from today May 7th, 2024…

CLICK HERE FOR “Quick Take” Land Owners Guide to Land Acquisition by Illinois Dept. of Transportation (this brochure gives general info and is not legal advice. Please obtain a qualified attorney for legal advice. This information may have been recently updated by current laws.)

Please note…the Village of Homer Glen is a “home-rule” community. “Home Rule expand[s] communities’ powers to enact ordinances for the efficient operation of their communities”.

It’s official! The Jurisdictional Transfer of Will County Route 1 has been signed & filed.

Congratulations to the Village of Homer Glen for taking responsibility of their portion of the historical corridor!

Scroll down to click the black button to view the JT documents.

Congratulations to the Township of New Lenox for taking responsibility of their portion of the historical corridor!

Scroll down to click the black button to view the JT documents.

Per the Township of Homer, here is the update regarding the 143rd Street Expansion:

Please continue to stay connected to your neighbors and community to share and receive information. The photo above is a nine foot tall sign made by resident Kim Pady. She has attended county meetings, village meetings, and township meetings regarding the opposition to the 143rd Street Project. Everyone has a part and place in the community - let’s keep moving forward and helping each other.

Remember when…

Orland Park, Illinois, Mayor Keith Pekau mentioned how the 143rd Street Expansion Project is supported by the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, the Will County Governmental League, Metra, US Senators Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, and numerous state and federal elected officials? You don’t? Just look up the February 6th, 2024, Chicago Tribune Daily Southtown article by Michelle Mullins.

What is the Will County Governmental League?

They have “Transportation Committee Meetings” four times a year.

They “identify and analyze legislation as well as state and federal agency rules that impact Will County municipalities and the well-being of Will County residents and employers.” (per their webpage)

They are an STP (Surface Transportation Program) authority.

They host training programs for public works directors, staff, and engineers.

Do they support the 143rd Street Expansion? Click on their webpage and “contact” them & ask!

Does Tammy Duckworth really support the 143rd Street Expansion? Email and ask her:

Does Richard Durbin really support the 143rd Street Expansion? Email him and ask him:

For April Fools Day fun, here’s an old article from the Chicago Tribune, 1971:



The Herald News {Will County} an article by Bob Okon

Click the circle and “like” our facebook page

Click the circle and “like” our Facebook page.

Stay informed by reading through comprehensive plans, transportation plans and road widening projects in your community. On this website, under the tab “Projects Laws Rights” there are additional documents. (On your smart phone, click the three black parallel lines at the top right). Or, click a black button below to read one of the many documents.

To view another road project (IL RT 53, River Rd. to Patterson Rd.) Click HERE

Stay informed and pass it on. Also, find more news under “143rd Street Updates” or click this button for an article:

Currently, as of 10:45AM March 21st, 2024, the Will County Full Board discussed Resolution 24-27 at their meeting…the Board voted 10-9 to override the veto - but because it requires a three-fifths vote, it failed.



I'm sharing with you a map that complements the article below. Notice how 143rd Street extends east of Route 59, to Route 126, with a brand-new bridge spanning the DuPage River.

The 143rd Extension Project aims to improve transportation infrastructure and connectivity. It involves expanding 143rd Street and constructing a new bridge over the DuPage River, extending eastward towards I355 and Archer Road (Route 171).

During the Will County Executive meeting on February 15th, 2024, Mark V. Revis, District 8 (Plainfield), voted in favor of the 143rd widening project between Bell Road and Lemont Road in Homer Glen, IL. Mr. Revis expressed his support for the project, stating that it would benefit his community by opening up traffic towards Homer Glen and improving connectivity.

It is worth noting that some residents observed Mr. Revis as the only Will County Board member interacting with the Mayor of Orland Park, IL, engaging in handshakes.

Remember when…Will County Executive Bertino-Tarrant stated she is committed to working with elected officials and pledged a transparent government to support communities?

She’s not keeping her promise…she SIGNED Resolution 24-27 then VETOED it a couple days later.

Email her at and demand she reinstates Resolution 24-27 so that the community & WCDOT can reassess and redesign the 143rd Street Expansion Project in Homer Glen, Illinois, in order to ensure it’s safe, and has a NEED & PURPOSE. ALSO- email the WC States Attorney James Glasgow & demand he upholds the Resolution!

Today, March 14th, 2024, the Executive Committee Meeting was held and addressed the veto of Resolution 24-27 (Resolution 24-27 is: “Directing the Will County Division of Transportation to Cease Moving Forward with the 143Rd Street Expansion Road Project as Currently Planned”).

Chair Judy Ogalla is the head of the Executive Committee, and the purpose of the committee is to help the WC Board prioritize issues and discuss important topics. This is why Chair Ogalla had Agenda items 7-11 (click here to see those) - in other words, today Chair Ogalla received approval to hire legal counsel to represent the Will County Board, she received approval to direct the Will County state’s attorney to file litigation to challenge the county executive’s ability to veto a resolution, as well as to file litigation to decide that Resolution 24-27 (signed on February 16, 2024), is valid, and, to file litigation to enforce Resolution 24-27.

Please save the date of March 21st, 2024, Thursday, 9:30AM start time, for the Full Board Meeting at:

302 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL

2nd FL

*****An email update was sent, please check your spam/junk folder.*****

Here is the signed Resolution 24-27 (which halts the 143rd Street Project “as planned”) that the Will County Board voted in favor of on February 15th, 2024, & Executive Bertino-Tarrant signed, sealed & approved of on February 16th, 2024

To read this Thursdays Agenda for Will County’s, March 14th, 2024’s, Executive Committee Meeting please click the blue words. Or, on your mobile device click the 3 lines in the top right corner & click “WillCo Agenda & Doc’s” - then click “MAR 14, 2024 WC Executive Meeting AGENDA PACKET”

Note Agenda items #7-11 (page 1-2)

And pages 54-58

Calling all WILL COUNTY residents!

Here is the March 8, 2024, statement from Will County Chair Judy Ogalla.

On March 5th, 2024, there was a Will County Special Board Meeting scheduled for 10:45AM.

A quorum was not formed (meaning: the minimum number of Board members to hold a meeting.) Because of this, the meeting was canceled.

A press release was issued later that evening, on March 5th, by Steve Balich, Will County Board member and Homer Township Supervisor:


Are you impacted by the 143rd Street Project? If so, please email with your name, street and phone number.

This information is needed immediately!

On February 15th, the Will County Board voted in favor of CEASING the 143rd Street EXPANSION PROJECT as it is currently planned! This Resolution passed with a 12-9 vote. Unfortunately, soon after, Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant vetoed this, and now there is a Special Board Meeting on March 5th, 2024, 10:45AM. (see above for the outcome of the March 5th meeting.)

Getting involved, communicating, and being an active part of the community MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

Thank you to Steve Balich (Homer Township Supervisor & Will County Board Republicn Leader), Christina Neitzke-Troike (Village of Homer Glen Mayor), and the Will County Board members who can make an impact halting this road project “as planned”. Also, thank you to Jeff Ronaldson, WCDOT, who has spent countless hours on the 143rd street project and will hopefully, re-design the current plans, per the residents needs.

Can’t attend a Will County meeting? Send a comment at this email by 3pm the day BEFORE the scheduled meeting:

Recap: THE 143RD STREET PROJECT WAS VOTED ON February 15th, 2024 BY WC BOARD MEMBERS AS WHETHER TO PAUSE THE PROJECT AS PLANNED! IN A 12-9 VOTE, THE BOARD LISTENED TO THE PUBLIC OUTCRY, AND WILL NEED TO REASSESS THIS 33 YEAR OLD ROAD CONSTRUCTION IDEA. (Please note, this webpage lists events in chronological order, so all CURRENT events are at the top of the page. As we all know, events change daily. It’s Parker-Hadley’s intention to keep the people updated and informed.)

TO VIEW WC’s AGENDA PACKET, click the button below. (IT’S 413 PAGES, IN CASE IT TAKES AWHILE TO LOAD. Start on page 194.)

Why is Orland Park, IL so interested in 143rd Street in Homer Glen, IL?

"Central Location: Orland Park, IL, Strategically Positioned at the Intersection of Six Major Interstates"

“ Enhanced Accessibility: Reconstructed Major Routes Open Doors for More Shoppers to

Orland Park, IL."

"Final Phase of 143rd Street Widening: Enabling Convenient Access to Orland Park's Shopping Center for Consumers from the North and Northwest Suburbs."

A petition, with 5 informative updates, can be seen on regarding the “Parker-Hadley” corridor project. (The roadway is Parker Road, Chicago Bloomington Trail Road, & Hadley Road in Homer Glen, Illinois.)

Please sign and pass it on to others.

This is a call to action for all concerned people who value our wildlife, forests, natural history, & agriculture.

Thank you for your support!

2,127 signatures!

Please spread the word!

If you cannot attend the Will County Meeting, please consider submitting your public comment here:

Submit your comment through that link, and ask the county to read it at the meeting.

You can also email the Will County Board at any time with your concerns:

Additionally, email the Mayor of Orland Park, Keith Pekau, and ask him why he came and spoke at the Will County meeting on Feb. 6th, 2024. Or, inquire as to the information he has on the 143rd street expansion project. Or, attend one of the Orland Park Board meetings: First & Third Monday’s of each month, 7:00PM, Location: Board Room of the Orland Park Village Hall, 14700 Ravinia Ave., Orland Park, IL.

The past Will County Public Works and Transportation Commitee Meeting in Joliet, IL brought around 40 in-person comments, and about 40 more through emails that were sent in.

Additional comments were written and sent in (possibly past the due date of Monday by 3pm.)

Everyone’s participation made a difference!

STAKEHOLDERS/RESIDENTS ON the Parker-Hadley CORRIDOR: CHECK YOUR EMAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFO and please check your spam/junk folders. Additionally, if you choose to “unsubscribe”, there’s an option at the bottom of the emails.

Thank you.

Meanwhile…along the 4-mile corridor called “WC1”…(Parker Rd., ChiBloom Rd., Hadley Rd.)

(County Highway Route 1)

The community succeeded in halting the Will County road project along Parker Road, Chicago Bloomington Trail, and Hadley Road

(roughly 3.16 miles in Homer Glen + .59 of a mile in New Lenox Township.)

Moreover, the corridor has been approved for transfer to the Village of Homer Glen, Illinois.

On December 21st, 2023, at the Will County Executive Board Meeting, the WC1 road was voted upon, to be transferred to the Village of Homer Glen, Illinois.

To see this on YouTube, click here (and scroll to the 2:27:40 time stamp):

Additionally, the southern section of Parker Road was successful in the jurisdictional transfer to New Lenox Township (.59 of a mile)

Both jurisdictional transfers were by the County, under the Illinois Highway Code, County Board District #4.

The roughly 3.16-mile corridor

that needs to be preserved consists of:

Parker Road

Chicago-Bloomington Trail

Hadley Road

An extra .59 of a mile

on the southern end of

Parker Road

is located in

New Lenox Township.

Video footage taken by artist & resident

Kyle Surges

*Prior accomplishment* REMEMBER WHEN... "Road Project CONFIRMED Paused"

*Prior accomplishment* REMEMBER WHEN... "Road Project CONFIRMED Paused"

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to come out and join the “Neighbor Meetings” - showing up and sharing your story has made an impact. Let’s continue to band together and spread the word!

Keep the roadway “as is” by maintaining its natural beauty, physical structure, and organic curves which assist in the movement of the minor rural collector road.

Click and share the petition (below in blue) which describes the Parker Hadley Road Project in detail, as well gives updates on the project.

Resident & Neighbor Meetings

Neighbor Meetings” will be announced through emails.

Explore the following links to

Uncover the History of Homer Township.

Homer Glen, Illinois

Parker Hadley Preservation was created with the intent to sustain the historical integrity, conserve the agricultural establishments, and promote the natural beauty of our woodlands. This combination of characteristics makes the Village of Homer Glen exceptionally valuable, not only to the residents, but to anyone passing though.