*Information Credited To The Village of Homer Glen Website

History of Lake Water and Sewer Service in the Village of Homer Glen

Citizens Utilities Company was the original developer of the lake water pipeline and appurtenant facilities. The pipeline supplies Lake Michigan water from the community of Bedford Park, and ultimately from the City of Chicago. Under the oversight of the Illinois Commerce Commission, the pipeline was established as a regulated pipeline rather than a public utility. 

The following is a timeline of events related to the history of water service in the Village of Homer Glen.


Citizens Utilities Company customers began receiving Lake Michigan water from a new pipeline in March 2001. The Village of Homer Glen was incorporated in April 2001.


Citizens Utilities Company was purchased by American Lake Water Company in January 2002. The American Lake Water Company is owned by the Illinois American Water Company, and Illinois American Water (IAW) acquired the pipeline, water and sewer infrastructure. The Village of Homer Glen does not have a franchise contract with Citizens Utilities Company nor with American Lake Water Company.

Illinois American Water owns, operates and maintains three wastewater reclamation facilities within the Village of Homer Glen: Oak Valley, Derby Meadows, and Chickasaw Hills. The three facilities were built in the early 1970’s, years before the Village incorporated in 2001, and before Illinois American Water began to provide service to the Village in 2002.


Fire Protection Charge was increased.


May 18, 2004: The Village established a Sewer and Water Task Force to investigate the cost of water in Homer Glen. OR04-031


An increase in the Supply Charge due to the reconciliation of unaccounted for water was approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission was approved in February 2005.

September 20, 2005: The Task Force completed its initial investigation in September and presented its finding to the Village Board. Sewer & Water Task Force Interim Report  At the same meeting, the Village Board approved Ordinance No. 05-048 Regulating the Use of Fire Hydrants.  VB Meeting Minutes 09-20-05


January 10, 2006: The Village Board approved Resolution 06-001 Supporting Amendments to the Municipal Code and the Public Utility Act Relating to Water and Sanitary Sewer Service as Proposed in House Bill 4333 Introduced by Representative Renee Kosel. VB Meeting Minutes 01-10-06

January 11, 2006: Trustee Niemiec and 37 residents traveled to Springfield to support House Bill 4333 before the House Committee for Local Government. Trustee Niemec reported at the February 28, 2006, Village Board meeting that the Bill passed. VB Meeting Minutes 02-28-06

January 17, 2006: The Village Board approved Ordinance No. 06-004 Authorizing the Execution of a Letter of Intent and Understanding Between the Village of Bolingbrook, the Village of Plainfield and the Village of Homer Glen with Respect to the Sharing of Costs to Retain a Consultant to Investigate Issues Concerning Water System Acquisition at the Village Board meeting. VB Meeting Minutes 01-24-06

February 02, 2006: Formal Complaint filed with the ICC, Village of Homer Glen vs.Illinois American Water. 

With approximately 100 residents in attendance, Illinois American Water held a public meeting in Homer Glen to present a plan to improve customer service and relationships. VB Meeting Minutes 05-30-06

November 28, 2006: First steps were taken when the Board approved a proposal in conjunction with Bolingbrook, Plainfield, and Woodridge to examine the option of possible acquisition of the water and sewer systems from Illinois American Water. VB Meeting Minutes 12-12-06

December 19, 2006:  Ordinance No. 06-081 Accepting a Proposal and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Professional Services for Preparation of an Appraisal of Potable Water and Wastewater Facilities of Illinois American Water Company in the Village of Homer Glen with Postl-Yore and Associates, Inc. and Crowe Chizek was approved at the Village Board meeting. VB Meeting Minutes 12-19-06 Postl-Yore Agreement


In January, Illinois American Water mailed a survey to Homer Glen residents asking if they prefer the current monthly flat fee of $45.52 or a flat sewer fee of $18 a month, plus $4.21 per 1,000 gallons of water.

September 25, 2007: Village Board approved a Resolution No. 07-026  Expressing the Intent of the Village of Homer Glen to Study the Feasibility of Purchasing or Acquiring by Eminent Domain the Water and Sewer Systems in the Village of Homer Glen. VB Meeting Minutes 09-25-07

October 23, 2017,  the Village Board authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Richard C. Balough attorney, as a representative for Homer Glen at the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the Rate Case filed by Illinois American Water.VB Meeting Minutes 10-23-07


Received draft valuation study from Postl-Yore in April 2008.

May 13, 2008: Resolution 08-010 Authorizing the Retention of Professional Consultants to Prepare a Valuation of American Lake Water Company Pipeline for the Village was approved by the Village Board. VB Meeting Minutes 05-13-08

On July 17, 2008, A public forum to gather resident input regarding the most recent increase in water rates was held at the Hadley School Auditorium.

Mayor Daley, Trustee Niemiec, Village Manager Wallrich and Village Counsel met with IAW regarding items outlined at the July Public Forum. IAW was asked to begin metering water used during construction and they agreed to a new tariff on construction water. VB Meeting Minutes 09-23-08


February 2009: Residents received notice from Illinois American Water announcing an increase of $0.14 per 1,000 gallons of water used.

March 10, 2009: Trustee Niemiec reported that the Village has identified residences, businesses and non-profit organizations that were not metered for water which contributes to the unaccounted-for-water. Illinois American Water had recently held an audit and discovered this unmetered water. VB Meeting Minutes 3-10-09

On March 19, 2009: During a meeting with the Sewer & Water Task Force, IAW Operations Manager Kevin Hillan reported that Illinois American Water is conducting a leak detection survey in the Village.

July 14, 2009: Mayor Daley reported that the Village will continue to file testimony and exceptions to the proposed order from the Administrative Law Judge regarding the 1.25% surcharge over the 12% unaccounted-for water cap requested by IAW. Trustee Niemiec reported that six representatives from Illinois American Water attended a meeting with the Sewer and Water Task Force and shared their rationale and justification for the 25% rate increase. The Task Force and IAW did not agree on the cost of sewer and water. VB Meeting Minutes 07-14-09

September 22, 2009: The Village Board authorized the filing of a petition with the ICC regarding ICC Docket 09-0319 (Water Rate Increases). VB Meeting Minutes 09-22-09

October 19, 2009: The Illinois Commerce Commission sponsored a public forum at the Homer Junior High to receive public comment concerning the general increase in water rates proposed by Illinois American Water. The proposed rate increase was 29.72% for water and 50.96% for sewer by IAW. Trustee Niemiec reported that 350 people attended the Forum.

December 22, 2009: Mayor Daley reported that he met with Illinois American Water and discussed the possibility of a franchise agreement. Any negotiating would be done by elected officials and the Village attorney with input from the Task Force and public. VB Meeting Minutes 12-22-09


February 17, 2010: Illinois American Water gave a presentation at the Sewer and Water Task Force meeting on financial questions that the Task Force had submitted.

February 23, 2010:  Mayor Daley reported that representatives from Bolingrook, Romeoville, Plainfield, Woodridge, and Shorewood met with the Mayor,Trustee Niemiec and members of staff to continue discussions on forming a joint water agency. The purpose of the agency would be the acquisition of the Bedford Park Transmission Line.

Illinois American has filed with the ICC for a QIP (Qualified Infrastructure Program), which is an assessment that can come every year without ICC approval based on the needs for capital improvements. VB Meeting Minutes 02-23-10

March 23, 2010: Many residents have received letters from Illinois American Water regarding the Village’s efforts to contain the continual rate increases for sewer and water. VB Meeting Minutes 03-23-10

March 31, 2010: Tim Leahy, Director of Government Affairs for IAW attended the Village Board meeting and asked the Board to oppose the Northern Will County Joint Action Intergovernmental Agreement. Mike Smyth Senior Manager of Field Services and Production for IAW stated that condemning the wholesale water supply system may not be the best course of action. The Village Board approved Ordinance No. 10-011 approving Northern Will County Joint Action Intergovernmental Agreement by and Among the Villages of Bolingbrook, Plainfield, Homer Glen, Woodridge, and Romeoville. VB Meeting Minutes 03-31-10

April 13, 2010: Mayor Daley reported that the Illinois Commerce Commission voted this morning on the IAW rate case. The Mayor thanked Trustees Ward and Niemiec and members of the Sewer and Water Task Force for attending the bench hearings and testifying on behalf of the Village, and thanked residents who attended the Public Forum. The Village will be filing a motion of rehearing. The Villages of Homer Glen, Lemont, Woodridge, and Bolingbrook joined the Water Agency. Plainfield voted not to join.  VB Meeting Minutes 04-13-10

April 27, 2010: Mayor Daley reported that the final order was handed down from the ICC regarding the 2009 rate increase request from IAW. The monthly basic service charge for water will increase 38%, and the monthly charge for sewer will increase 42%, for a total monthly increase of 14.%. The Fire Protection monthly fee increased 45%, the use charges will vary depending on the amount of water used, and the average user of 8,000 gallons will see an increase of 28% in the monthly bill. VB Meeting Minutes 04-27-10

May 11, 2010: Mayor Daley reported that attorney Richard Balough will be filing for a rehearing on the water rate increase later in the week. House Bill HB5484 passed the House. This was the evaluation legislation that will help the Village obtain a fair appraisal for the sewer and water system within Homer Glen. Work is continuing on the Senate Bill regarding "Quick Take" legislation for the purchase of the Bedford Transmission line. VB Meeting Minutes 05-11-10

July 27, 2010: Mayor Daley had a discussion with representatives from Illinois American Water who came forward with a proposed franchise agreement. The Village is still in the preliminary stages and will continue to move forward with this issue. The Mayor signed a confidentially agreement and the Trustees will also need to sign an agreement in order to view the document. The Village has been notified by Attorney Richard Balough that the Illinois Attorney General has appealed the final order of the ICC rate case and the Village had decided not to appeal the decision based on issues. Illinois American Water filed a cross-appeal to the Attorney General raising two issues that will affect the Village of Homer Glen and any other municipalities. Illinois American Water is cross-appealing: (1) The operating expenses that were in the final order where the Commission reduced IAW’s operating expenses in revenues because the company did not offer sufficient proof for all the expenses; (2) The municipal rate comparisons, with the ICC stating in the final order that it considered comments made by the public, as required by statute. Illinois American Water is contending that public comments should not be considered by the Commission. Executive Session to discuss Imminent and Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition; and IAW Rate Case took place. After Executive Session the Village Board meeting resumed and the Board agreed to file an appeal along with the Attorney General regarding the cross-appeal of Illinois American Water. VB Meeting Minutes 07-27-10


February 8, 2011: Mayor Daley reported that Senators and Representatives from the various districts representing the Joint Action Water Agency communities were in attendance at a meeting the previous week to discuss the acquisition of the pipeline. Discussion also included the rate increases over the past eight years. It was explained that the rates have increased by an average of 12% annually for water and 5.4% per year for sewer. There have also been rate increases imposed by IAW for a monthly fire protection charge that has generated over 2 million dollars in revenue since 2001. This group is working with legislators to change the legislation that would allow the Joint Action Water Agency to acquire the pipeline. The legislators agreed to take up the proposed legislation within the current session and will require bi-partisan support from both the House and the Senate.

June 14, 2011: Senate Bill 83, legislation which would allow Homer Glen and the other members of the Joint Action Water Agency to take control of the Bedford Park Transmission line and stabilize the water rate increases, passed the Senate (34-21) and the House (66-45) with bi-partisan support. The bill is awaiting Governor Quinn’s signature. VB Meeting Minutes 06-14-11

July 12, 2011: Motion approved to contract with Robinson Engineering to perform a water and sewer operations study.VB Meeting Minutes 07-12-11

July 26, 2011:The Village Board approved Resolution No. 11-012, a resolution in support of Senate Bill 83.VB Meeting Minutes 07-26-11

August 26, 2011: Governor Quinn signed Public Act 097-0586 (SB 83).

October 4, 2011: Joint Action Water Agency Meeting.The Agency decided to request a meeting with Illinois American Water to hear what IAW is planning to do to reach the goal of reasonable and fair rates for Agency residents.  Press Release 10-05-11

October 11, 2011: Residents of Homer Glen received a letter from IAW regarding the Joint Water Agency and the actions that the five communities are pursuing. VB Meeting Minutes 10-11-11

October 17, 2011: The Joint Action Water Agency (JAWA) sent a letter to Karla Olsen Teasley, President of Illinois American Water, asking whether Illinois American Water/American Lake Water would meet with the five communities to discuss rates, performance and service issues. 

October 25, 2011: Illinois American Water responded to the JAWA letter with possible meeting dates and a request to reach out to a mediator.

November 22, 2011: Village Board approved Ordinance No. 11-039, an Ordinance Approving Northern Will County Joint Action Intergovernmental Agreement by and Among the Villages of Bolingbrook, Homer Glen, Woodridge, Romeoville and Lemont. VB Meeting Minutes 11-22-11

December 13, 2011: Mayor Daley reported that he attended a Joint Action Water Agency (JAWA) meeting with officials from Illinois American Water. The intention of the meeting was to discuss a way in which IAW could deliver sewer and water services at reasonable rates. The only solution offered by IAW was rate consolidation which they felt would allow them to invest in needed water system improvements while stabilizing rates over the long term. Trustee Niemiec reported that the Sewer and Water Task Force met with a representative from IAW to discuss the proposed rate increase that is going before the ICC. Illinois American Water said the increase was needed for some upgrades in the sewer systems in the community, in particular to increase the capacity in Derby Meadows. VB Meeting Minutes 12-13-11

December 13, 2011: Intergovernmental Agreement for Northern Will County Joint Action Water Agency signed.


January 24, 2012: Trustee Niemiec reported that IAW sent out a mailing to their customers regarding their concerns over the issues of eminent domain. VB Meeting Minutes 01-24-12

February 14, 2012: Mayor Daley reported that the Village participated in a meeting to continue efforts to form a Joint Action Water Agency with Bolngbrook, Woodridge, Romeoville, and Lemont. The meeting involved mayors, managers and some attorneys from the five communities. VB Meeting Minutes 02-14-12

February 28, 2012: Village Board approved allowing the Village Manager to expend $26,000.00 to pay for professional service fees related to work being done to support a Good Faith Offer for Acquisition of the IAW Main Water Transmission Pipeline. The Villages of Bolingbrook, Roemoville, Woodridge and Lemont will also be contributing resources towards the study. VB Meeting Minutes 02-28-12

April 9, 2012: Sewer and Water Task Force meeting.

July 24, 2012: Public Hearing to receive public comment on the proposal to sell bonds up to an amount of $50 million for the purposes of funding certain capital improvement projects and certain costs associated with the issuance of bonds. In particular, some of the proceeds from the bond sale would be utilized in the Village’s intergovernmental efforts with Bolingbrook, Woodridge, Lemont, and Romeoville as the Northern Will County Water Agency. The goal of the Agency is to stabilize and control water rate increases and to explore the feasibility of acquiring the American Lake Water/IAW Bedford Park Water Transmission Line.VB Meeting Minutes 7-24-12

August 6, 2012: Village Board considered approval of an ordinance to move forward with selling $25,000,000.00 in bonds that would allow the Village to pay for the purchase of the American Lake Water/IAW transmission line along with the other four members of the Northern Will County Joint Action Water Agency. The consideration of Ordinance No. 12-039 was tabled. VB Meeting Minutes 08-06-12

August 14, 2012: Trustee Niemiec gave a Sewer & Water 2012 presentation at the Village Board Meeting.              VB Meeting Minutes 08-14-2012

August 28, 2012: Trustee Niemiec reported that the Sewer and Water Task Force met and discussed the upcoming rate filing by IAW for a 27% increase in sewer rates. The Village Board approved Ordinance No. 12-039 Providing for the Issue of Not-To-Exceed $25,000,000.00 General Obligation Home Rule Sales Tax Bonds of the Village of Homer Glen, Will and Cook Counties, Illinois, and for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient to Pay the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds and to Immediately Sell Bonds in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $17,000,000.00. VB Meeting Minutes 08-28-12

October 23, 2012: Trustee Niemiec reported that residents who are serviced by Illinois American Water will see a rate increase on their water bills. IAW had initially filed for a 12.6% increase in sewer; however, the ICC declined to give them the full amount and reduced it to a 5.2% increase. VB Meeting Minutes 10-23-12

November 27, 2012: Village Board approved Resolution No.12-011 Appointing a Director and an Alternate Director to the Board of Directors of the Northern Will County Water Agency. VB Meeting Minutes 11-27-12

December 11, 2012: Mayor Daley reported the Board of the Northern Will County Water Agency instructed the Agency’s attorney to file a lawsuit against American Lake Water for the eventual acquisition of the Bedford Park Water Transmission Line. A Senior Representative from Illinois American Water attended the recent Sewer and Water Task Force meeting and shared information regarding the Northern Will County Water Agency’s decision to file a lawsuit against IAW. The Village Board approved $35,873.00 to be paid to the Northern Will County Water Agency for the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the Northern Will County Water Agency’s Annual Budget. VB Meeting Minutes 12-11-12


January 25, 2013: The Northern Will County Water Agency filed a lawsuit to proceed with eminent domain against American Lake Water Company. Prior to filing the lawsuit, two offers were made to American Lake Water for purchase of the pipeline and both were rejected. VB Meeting Minutes 02-12-13

March 11, 2013: Mayor Daley attended a meeting of the Northern Will County Water Agency Board. At the meeting the Board paid various bills and also heard an update from the Agency’s legal council regarding the eminent domain litigation with American Lake Water/Illinois American Water. The case is before the Judge. VB Meeting Minutes 03-12-13

June 10, 2013: The Northern Will County Water Agency Board had a meeting in Romeoville. The meeting was held to pay Agency bills and get a brief update from the Agency’s legal counsel on the status of the existing lawsuit to acquire the Bedford Park water transmission line. The Board approved the payment of $62,038.44 in a mixture of engineering consulting and legal fee billings. The Village of Homer Glen is only responsible for approximately 20% of the overall billings for the Agency, or in this case $12,407.00. The Agency’s legal counsel reported that the lawsuit with American Lake Water/Illinois American Water is still in the discovery stage. A hearing before the judge is scheduled for July. VB Meeting Minutes 06-11-13

September 9, 2013: The Northern Will County Water Agency met. At the meeting $77,337.93 in legal and engineering invoices were approved for payment, of which $15,889.85 was Homer Glen’s responsibility. In addition, the Water Agency Board approved the 2013-14 fiscal year budget for the Agency in the amount of $662,500.00. The Agency Board approved the hiring of Michael Drey as an agent and consultant for the Agency in relation to the ongoing litigation with American Lake Water/Illinois American Water regarding the purchase of the Bedford Park Water transmission line. Mr. Drey’s entire salary, as a consultant, will be paid for by the Village of Bolingbrook. Mr. Drey had a long history of working on water issues as a Bolingbrook staff member prior to his recent retirement. VB Meeting Minutes 09-10-13

September 24, 2013: Village Board approved the amount of $67,902.94 to be paid to the Northern Will County Water Agency for the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the NWCWA’s Annual Budget for FY 2014. The Villages of Bolingbrook, Lemont, Romeoville, and Woodridge will pay the remaining $263,347.06. VB Meeting Minutes 09-24-13

October 8, 2013: Mayor Daley reported that IAW ran public notices in the Southtown/Star and other Illinois newspapers in the past week. The purpose of the notices was to announce their intended increase to IAW’s "Quality Infrastructure Program (QIP) Surcharge" rate. VB Meeting Minutes 10-08-13


April 7, 2014: The Northern Will County Water Agency approved a Resolution that reorganized the Board of Directors and Mayor Daley was named Chairman of the Board. The Mayor had previously co-chaired the NWCWA Board with Mayor Claar from Bolingbrook. The other members of the Water Agency retained their existing positions. In addition, a Resolution was approved amending the Agency By-Laws to reflect a calendar fiscal year effective January 1, 2015. The Water Agency also approved a proposal from Sikich for audit services. An additional Resolution was approved which formally requested that each of the Agency’s member municipalities (Homer Glen, Bolingbrook, Lemont, Romeoville, and Woodridge) use their eminent domain authority to condemn the pipeline and acquire the system from American Lake Water. Once all of the member municipalities approve an ordinance to authorize eminent domain, the Water Agency’s attorney will again make a filing to acquire the system from American Lake Water. VB Meeting Minutes 04-08-14

April 22, 2014: Village Board approved Ordinance No. 14-023 Authorizing the Acquisition of a Water System. VB Meeting Minutes 04-22-14

May 27, 2014: Village Board approved the amount of $115,653.43 to be paid to the Northern Will County Water Agency for the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the NWCWA’s Annual Budget for FY 2015. The Villages of Bolingbrook, Lemont, Romeoville, and Woodridge will pay for the remaining $447,26.57. VB Meeting Minutes 05-27-14

August 12, 2014: Trustee De Vivo reported that the Village received a notification from IEPA advising the Village that Illinois American Water filed for an NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit for the Chickasaw Sewage Treatment Plant on Long Run Creek. All sewage treatment plants are required to have an NPDES to dump into waters of the United States. The notification advised that the Village had thirty (30) days to respond with any comments. Trustee De Vivo stated that she would work with Village staff to draft a Letter of Comment to the IEPA addressing the fact that Illinois American Water had not done any upgrades on the Chickasaw Plant for many years. The Chickasaw Plant was polluting with nitrogen and phosphate loading and because of the age of the plant and no upgrades for many years, it was listed in the Plan as a high priority critical area. It was recommended that the plant upgrade with nutrient removal technologies be completed. The Letter of Comment goes on record with the IEPA, so that when Illinois American Water applies for the permitting necessary for the upgrades to the plant, they will be addressed accordingly, and the Village’s recommendations will be considered. The letter was sent on August 26, 2014. VB Meeting Minutes 08-12-14

September 9, 2014: The Northern Will County Water Agency met for their quarterly Board meeting. The Agency Board paid quarterly bills totaling $72,353.91. The Board also passed a resolution allowing certain small settlement with various parties related to the Illinois American/American Lake Water Bedford Park Water Line Condemnation case. The Board approved a preliminary engagement letter with William Blair and Associates related to future revenue bond opportunities. Additionally, the Board approved payment of legal fees to American Lake Water related to the dismissal of the first condemnation case against American Lake Water. The Board also approved a resolution allowing for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to approve expenditures under $5,000.00 by joint review and signature.VB Meeting Minutes 09-10-14

September 24, 2014: Village Board approved the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the Northern Will County Water Agency legal expenses in amount of $21,678.16 VB Meeting Minutes 09-24-14


March 9, 2015: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $20,451.73 were approved for payment. Resolution 15-1 approving Financial-Purchasing Policies and Procedures was adopted. Jim Boan, Attorney for the Water Agency, commented on a report that listed all of the Illinois water utility rate areas serving 1,000 or more customers and a detailed comparison of monthly bills. It was noted that customers in the Santa Fe/Southwest and West Suburban area (which included the Water Agency municipalities) were charged the highest water rates by Illinois American Water in the entire State of Illinois. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 03-09-15

March 11, 2015: Trustee De Vivo reported that she and Village staff meet with IAW regarding the sewage treatment upgrade at Chickasaw. It was recommended that the compensatory storage just be directly downstream and not in any other location of the watershed. Village staff asked IAW to let the Village know how they are going to find a place to put some of the water. Illinois American Water will be closing down the Derby sewage treatment plant and are going to move all of the treatment to the Chickasaw plant. The watershed plant recommends that the highest levels of upgrades be at the Chickasaw plant because of the ammonia and phosphate levels. VB Meeting Minutes 03-11-15

June 8, 2015: The Northern Will County Water Agency met and approved payments totaling $123,897.55 in bills and elected officers for the 2015-16 year. Mayor Yukich was appointed as Vice Chairperson. A consultant contract with Mr. Mike Drey subject to the review of the Agency’s attorney was approved. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 06-08-15

September 15, 2015: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $137,716.99 were approved for payment. Resolution 15-3 Authorizing a Settlement with Illinois Central Railroad in the American Lake Water Condemnation Case was approved. Mike Zimmerman, Attorney for Tressler LLP, summarized the resolution and stated the Agency would need to provide liability insurance naming the railroad as additionally insured if the pipeline acquisition was completed.NWCWA Meeting Minutes 09-15-15

October 14, 2015: Village Board approved the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the Northern Will County Water Agency’s Biannual Budget for FY 2015 in the amount of $68,294.90. VB Meeting Minutes 10-14-15

December 14, 2015: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $6,675.17 were approved for payment. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 12-14-15


February 24, 2016: Village Board approved the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the Northern Will County Water Agency’s Biannual Budget for FY 2016 in the amount of $57,354.16. VB Meeting Minutes 02-24-16

March 14, 2016: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $67,299.68 were approved for payment. Resolution 16-1 Election of Officers was approved. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 03-14-16

May 19, 2016: Development Services Director Salamowicz attended a meeting in Springfield, hosted by State Senator Chuck Weaver, regarding HB 1379 and SB 1421 and what could be done to fight the two pieces of legislation. Also in attendance were representatives from the Office of the Attorney General, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), the Village of Bolingbrook, and the City of Peoria. HB 1379 was approved in August of 2013 and allows private water companies (Illinois American Water and Aqua Illinois) to fast-track takeovers of municipal water systems and automatically charge current customers higher rates to fund those acquisitions. SB 1421 would allow private water companies to petition the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to charge all of their customers higher rates for the repair of wastewater systems those companies buy up in other areas.

May 25, 2016: Mayor Yukich reported that Illinois American Water filed an application with the ICC to adjust water and sewer rates effective January 2017. A flyer from IAW was sent to residents, explaining the proposed rate increases. A letter from Mayor Yukich was sent to the Mayors, Managers or Supervisors of 62 villages, cities, and townships, requesting that they join the Village of Homer Glen in our efforts to voice our residents’ concerns and disapproval to Illinois American Water and the ICC. VB Meeting Minutes 05-25-16

June 13, 2016: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $72,051.09 were approved for payment. It was mutually agreed that the Water Agency should draft and send a letter signed by all of the members to the ICC requesting a Public Forum for the public to voice concerns over the impending water rate increase by IAW. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 06-13-16

September 12, 2016: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $126,321.62 were approved for payment. Jim Boan, General Counsel for the NWCWA, stated that he requested a public hearing at the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the pending IAW rate increase. The request was denied, appealed, and denied again. The ICC stated that comments may be filed through the Citizens Utility Board and Attorney General. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 09-12-16

October 26, 2016: Mayor Yukich encouraged residents to submit a public comment regarding the proposed IAW rate increase on the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) website. Information and a link to the ICC website was available on the Village website and placed in an ad in the Homer Horizon. VB Meeting Minutes 10-26-16.

November 9, 2016: Village Board approved Ordinance No. 16-049 A Special Use Permit for an Essential Service (Water Reclamation Facility in the P-1 Governmental Buildings and Public Schools District [Chapter 220 (Zoning), Attachment 2, Table 2A (permitted and Special Uses for Nonresidential Districts) of the Code of the Village of Homer Glen] for certain real property located at 13835 S. Parker Road, Homer Glen, Illinois. Also approved Ordinance No. 16-050, a Preliminary and Final Plat of Chickasaw Hill WRF Subdivision (Consolidation) for certain real property located at 13835 S. Parker Road, Homer Glen, Illinois. VB Meeting Minutes 11-09-16


February 8, 2017: Village Board approved the amount of $39,037.40 to be paid to the Northern Will County Water Agency for the Village of Homer Glen’s portion of the Northern Will County Water Agency’s Biannual Budget for FY 2017. The Villages of Bolingbrook, Lemont, Romeoville, and Woodridge will pay for the remaining $150,962.60. VB Meeting Minutes 02-08-17

June 12, 2017 Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $52,411.50 were approved. Officers were elected. Mayor Yukich was appointed as Chairman. Attorney Formeller provided an update on the court case. The interlocutory appeal filed by the defense was denied unanimously. The plaintiff had asked that five questions be certified; only two were certified and both were denied.  Northern Will County Water Agency Meeting Minutes 6-12-17

August 23, 2017: Village Board approved a construction agreement with Illinois American Water for the water main installation on 159th Street, between Cedar Road and Gougar Road.  VB Meeting Minutes 08-23-17

September 11, 2017: Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. Bills in the amount of $21,797.50 were approved for payment. NWCWA Meeting Minutes 09-11-17

September 27, 2017: Village Board accepted the bid proposal from Len Cox & Sons Excavating for the construction of the 159th Street water main project. VB Meeting Minutes 09-27-17

December 11, 2017 Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held.


March 2, 2018: Mayor Yukich, Trustee Burian, and Village Manager Mertens had a conference call with representatives from the Illinois Commerce Commission. The ICC committed to providing a summary of how rate cases are completed, a list of rate cases that have affected Homer Glen, and how individuals can contact the ICC and voice concerns. 

March 12, 2018 Northern Will County Water Agency meeting was held. 

March 15, 2018 Received letter from Cholly Smith, Executive Director of the Illinois Commerce Commission with the summary of items mentioned in the March 2, 2018, conference call. ICC Summary


Litigation continued but there were delays due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Eventually, the Village (and Water Agency) WON the right to take over the pipeline; HOWEVER, the lawsuit spanned close to a decade and involved numerous procedural obstacles. At the start of litigation, the cost to purchase the lines was approximately $43 million, an amount the Water Agency could afford and the cost for the Water Agency to operate the pipeline would be less than IAW. By 2022, the cost was closer to $200 million. The Village and Water Agency had already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the litigation and it became clear that the potential, future cost savings in buying the pipeline and system would be far outweighed by the amount required to continue pursuing its takeover.


January 31, 2023: A change in leadership at Illinois American Water provided an opportunity to reopen communication and partner together. After extensive negotiations, the Water Agency reached a settlement with IAW with the following concessions:
- A cap on the American Lake Water transmission charge for five years.
- An update to the bill to clarify where a resident's money is going.
- A requirement of IAW to do a water study/audit no later than December 31, 2023 to identify areas of unaccounted for water that may be reduced.
- A call for specific capital projects to be completed in the next 5 years, one of which is the closing of the Derby Meadows facility to be replaced by a new pump station.
- The settlement also touches on future collaboration items between the Water Agency and IAW.
You can read the full settlement agreement here: Settlement Agreement

*Information Credited To The Village of Homer Glen Website